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DP/DashBoard is one of Data Pro Accounting Software's unique deployments of its Infinity COMMERCE technology which is built into all Infinity POWER accounting applications. This special technology allows companies to deploy a central web-based "Intranet" system to manage their financial reporting system and much more from inside their company's four walls to the limits of the world.
This includes a central "corporate-wide" calendar and document control system integrated with the Customer Support Management system. Companies with varying needs and even other accounting systems (other than Data Pro's), can utilize this unique product to make better decisions and improve communications within their organizations.
DP/DashBoard is simple to deploy, readily understood in a familiar format, needs only the latest Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, or Chrome browser at the client level and requires a Microsoft Windows 2003/2008/2012 Server, Windows 10, 8, or 7 PC with Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) to operate.
Infinity COMMERCE web technology enables every Infinity POWER accounting module for use in a Web environment. The DP/DashBoard revolutionizes the way in which companies can manage their financial reporting system, including advanced "drilldowns of financial statements," Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Check Reconciliation detailed transaction reports, account agings and drilldowns, internal reporting systems, centralized policy management control, company location and directions, enterprise-wide document control and management, corporate phone list management, real time company-wide calendar system, project and task management, customer support management and complete flexibility for a wide range of other add-on features.
DP/DashBoard is an "Intranet" application. This means it is intended for a company to use for only its "internal staff." Infinity COMMERCE does provide the technology to create full web sites allowing full customer interaction over the web, but that is not the objective of the DP/DashBoard system.
If you are a CPA or Accounting firm with hundreds of clients who need to view their financial information and could also use the other invaluable benefits provided by DP/DashBoard, like an on-line Company Policy Manual, copies of the last few year's tax returns and whatever else their CPA/Accountant may want to provide to you, then you should take advantage of this application.
In a CPA/Accounting firm, DP/DashBoard becomes an extension of the business allowing their clients to dial in over the Internet to gain access to their personal or corporate information 24 hours a day. The CPA/Accounting firm can install a personal version of the DP/DashBoard that is unique for each client and allow each client to upload information to their CPA/Accountant directly from their Infinity POWER accounting modules (such as Accounts Payable, Inventory and Payroll).
The seamless integration of working with the Client Write-Up features that are built in as standard features of the Infinity POWER General Ledger module are unparalleled in the software industry!
All application data is called from and written back through the "POWERServer" module which is at the heart of the Infinity COMMERCE technology. It provides security access and control to all accounting objects and manages access and updates to the various Infinity POWER accounting files in real time. Therefore, all customization work can be implemented through Infinity COMMERCE without changing the "source" accounting system.
This is critical as new versions of the product are released. No "customization" charges have to be re-incurred by the client each time a new Infinity POWER accounting software product release is introduced. When a new version of the accounting products is installed, the web site continues to run because the POWERServer knows all of the rules and understands if there have been any changes made to the underlying file systems. As such, it knows how to deal with the changes without forcing the web designers to have to know about the changes. It is very simple and yet very powerful in its implementation!
DP/DashBoard is based upon POWERServer technology, which is why additional customization and modifications are expected and planned for within this product. It is known that many Data Pro customers will want additional "custom" programming features that will be unique to their business. Resellers and developers will have the ability to make these modifications simply at the DP/DashBoard level without worrying about modifying the Infinity POWER accounting software source code. Further, the POWERServer module has the ability to allow users who write custom report models with the Infinity POWER Report Writer module to output these reports to the web, further allowing custom applications to expand within this format.
DP/DashBoard was a natural outgrowth to "productize" what many Data Pro customers have been doing for their own custom web implementations. DP/DashBoard and its "Intranet" implementation illustrates what is possible for driving a company's internal needs before a company even starts to look outward at what is possible in terms of servicing the company's customer base.
The ideal part of this product's design is the flexibility it creates for third party developers to create additional applications for the DP/DashBoard system (once they have been certified by Data Pro Accounting Software) and allow users to always know that no matter what developer has created an application for the DP/DashBoard, they have never modified the accounting software's original source code. It provides an extraordinary level of protection and confidence for users unlike any other development environment previously seen.
DP/DashBoard revolutionizes the way companies utilize Infinity COMMERCE to drive new business, provide better information, speed up work processes and increase employee efficiency. The inherent advanced features also provide compelling reasons to companies that are reluctant to make a conversion to a new accounting system. By comparing their current (out of date) system with Data Pro's features that they need today, the advantages and enabling options make the decision much easier. Data Pro Accounting Software's products are worth serious consideration for virtually any company. This includes small, middle market and multi-state enterprises.
The calendar has a simple, full month at-a-glance display and the user interface is very user-friendly. It allows users to select categories to define which calendar events are displayed in the grid. A user may view by Company Calendar or Personal Calendar, by Department or by Category. Scheduling an Event automatically generates a confirmation e-mail to all parties involved. Each scheduled Event will check for conflicts. Rollovers indicate scheduled times and the category of the Event. To move the Event to a different day, you can use the drag-and-drop feature (Microsoft Internet Explorer only). There is also an advanced display of Events by day in which each event can be edited or deleted based on your login rights.
If your firm has many departments or locations, this feature is ideal for keeping track of a variety of sales staff, service personnel or corporate functions such as sales meetings, demonstrations, training appointments and much more! Many firms with staff in the field find it hard to coordinate within a common calendar system. DP/DashBoard can consolidate users from a personal calendar system like ACT!, Outlook or Goldmine to a system coordinated at the corporate level. Don't forget, personal calendars are kept personal while being managed against the rest of the company during appointment scheduling. Therefore, just because you setup a Doctor's appointment for yourself on Tuesday; only you are aware of this, but everyone else trying to book a meeting with you will be told that there is a conflict at that particular time.
Every company is required to create and complete projects & tasks in order to succeed. DP/DashBoard allows the user to create projects and set up tasks for these projects.
My Worksheet combines both the Calendar (which displays your scheduled events) as well as the Projects/Tasks menu. The Calendar Events display will allow you to display up to four weeks from today's date. If you use the drag-and-drop feature, you will appreciate the ability to quickly move your scheduled Events to the next month.
Various user rights levels can be assigned to each user within Infinity POWER to determine what functions and information they are able to access.
Based on the user's Login, a user will only be able to see certain menu options. The "Administrator" has rights to configure the DP/DashBoard as needed, with the capability to add, change and delete departments, users, resources and documents.
Certain images, including the company logo, can be replaced within the Configuration section. Many of the icons on the Main Menu page can be replaced by either selecting from a list of images, or by uploading your own.
There are various color style options to choose from. Pick a style and it will be maintained (through the use of a cookie) until you change it again.
Many customers have purchased the DP/DashBoard simply for the reporting capabilities. Someone with full viewing rights will be able to perform a General Ledger Company Consolidation, run a Balance Sheet, review an Income Statement, generate a Financial Statement Drilldown and review their Bank Account Balances. They will also be able to run an Accounts Payable Aging & Drilldown report, an Accounts Payable Transactions & Drilldown report, as well as a General Ledger Account Summary report. They can check their receivables by running an Accounts Receivable Aging & Drilldown report or they can view both current and past sales with the Accounts Receivable Sales Reporting & Drilldown menu option as well as run a Sales Code Summary report. This, of course, assumes they have these respective accounting modules installed as well as the user rights to see them!
Data Pro designed a "Tickler" and "Ticket" system to keep track of its own support traffic. It worked so well, we decided to incorporate it into the DP/DashBoard product. Here's how it works: If a customer calls in with a question or problem, an operator can "Add a New Tickler" for that customer, adding a brief description of their question or problem, and thus create a record of that call.
Once saved as a Tickler, it will appear in the "Tickler" list for the support staff to retrieve. While entering the Tickler information, the operator has access to the customer's payment history, past due aging history as well as any notes on that customer. If it is determined that action should be taken on this Tickler, you can "Create a Support Ticket."
To create a Ticket, the Tickler information is added to the Ticket and a starting time is set. This way, there will be an exact record of time spent on each call. The support representative can select a billing type and it will calculate the billing quantity. A unique "Ticket Number" will be created, useful for future lookup or reference. You may review, add or edit a customer's Support Tickets at any time.
You may say, we don't charge customers for support. Fine! How about when they call your front desk to complain about a product or service or if you need to escalate the call? What manager gets to deal with these issues? If you're running a seven car auto dealership, what General Manager has the time to keep track of all of the calls that could come into seven dealerships for Chrysler, Audi, Cadillac, Porsche, Jeep, Toyota and Lexus all at one time? Who do you assign them to? How do you know that your employees have followed up with every inquiry or complaint?
Has the customer been satisfied? Are there any notes on the customer's file to indicate how the problems were resolved, billed or otherwise?
The Sales & Purchasing menu options from the DP/DashBoard Menu System screen, allow you to add new sales orders via a web-based data entry system, view existing sales orders, view existing purchase orders, and performinventory item inquiries.
When a customer calls in with a purchase request, a Sales Representative can add a sales order right from the web. This creates a record of that customer request, which can be accessed at any time for reference. While entering the Sales Order, the sales representative has access to the customer’s payment history, as well as previously taken notes on the customer’s account. Additionally, users can perform an inquiry on any previously entered order in the system for that customer using the View an Existing Sales Order option.
This option allows you to view existing purchase orders. You can search sales orders by sales order number, customer number, customer name, or purchase order number.
This option allows you to search for a specific inventory item. You can search inventory items by inventory item number or by a keyword description. Once selected, the item displays availability, cost levels, unit of measure, etc.
This option allows you to view a customer's sales history. You can drilldown by invoice number to display a listing of the complete transaction detail. This feature is also accessible when entering both Ticklers and Tickets.
The Payroll Time Sheets options provide internal users within the firm with the ability to key in their daily time sheets without having to provide users direct access to the Payroll program and/or the Payroll data files. Based on the security rights set up in Advanced Security and the employee number set up in the DP/DashBoard Set up Users option, an employee can enter his or her own time.
Also, depending on Security Rights set up in Advanced Security, an employee will be only allowed to view his employee number. Also integrated to the Job Cost module, an employee can enter a job and cost code for their time. No rates are shown on the screen. The system picks up the rates set up for the employee in the Payroll module. It will automatically increment the date/reference number allowing for multiple entries by day. No posting is done to Payroll until the Payroll employee updates time sheets to Payroll through the normal Post Time Sheets transaction.
Many customers have expressed a desire for custom applications specific to their needs. With DP/DashBoard, this can be easily accomplished. Along with a staff of programming professionals, Data Pro has an ongoing relationship with very talented, certified programmers and application designers to accommodate our customer's needs. Once the application is designed and thoroughly tested, the customer will simply run a small installation program and it will be added to their existing DP/DashBoard menu under "Custom Applications."
Much of our time is spent finding and updating documentation and sales materials. Once these materials have been updated or created, they must then become accessible to the employees and management within our organizations. Some of this documentation is legal in nature and has to be distributed to protect the interests of the company. For instance, how many companies have a Company Policy manual in place where any of their employees can easily download or access a copy for instant reference? In many large firms, this may occur. However, time after time, we find many companies are not in compliance with human resource requirements.
A good corporate Intranet can pay for itself just by the access it provides to key information and documents, and for the savings that can be realized by reducing printing costs over time. This is just the beginning.
In our earlier example of the car dealerships with seven models of cars being sold, that's a lot of sales and marketing materials to keep track of! How would any of these firms manage the number of technical and sales documents required for all of these variations?
The DP/DashBoard includes a document and file inventory and management system. The system includes six standard menu options to maintain your documents and files. More can be added. Within each of these options, subcategories can be set up as needed. Both the menu titles as well as the subcategories can be defined by you. DP/DashBoard will allow the upload of various file formats, including: .txt, .jpg, .gif, .html, .htm, .doc, .pdf, .xls, .csv, .ppt, .pps, .swf and .rpt.
Whether your file is a Microsoft Excel document or an image file (i.e. "jpg"), it can be uploaded and added to your document/file list. An added feature incorporates the Security System Object within Infinity POWER, which has the ability to make certain documents or files accessible only to those individuals or groups with accounting rights to see them.
The Document Management feature is not to be confused with a document collaboration system where everyone is trying to compose a common document. It is for the distribution of final documents and web links.
PRODUCT FEATURES:There are several useful features incorporated into DP/DashBoard.
- By clicking on the DP/DashBoard logo, a small pop-up menu will appear. This is a very useful option, because there may be a time where you would like to open a file in another browser window while still maintaining your present page.
- The Calendar and Worksheet have a button (bottom left), which will allow you to automatically refresh these pages. You can set the time between automatic reloads. This assures that the most current information is being displayed.
- Several Options contain a "Search Page" feature, including the Internal Phone List page and the Documentation pages.
- The main menu utilizes a collapse/expand feature which, as new menu options are added to the DP/DashBoard, may become very useful for managing the menu system.
- Certain menu options contain rollover boxes with important information pertaining to that specific option. These are especially useful in the Calendar and Worksheet sections.
- Many of the reports have a sorting capability built in. Simply click on the category of a column to sort the report.
- Check a Customer's Payment History (including Partial Payment History).
- View a Customer's Aging Report.
- Read or Create Notes for a Customer.
- The DP/DashBoard remembers where you were when you left. If you "time-out," once you log back in, you will be brought back to the previously visited page.
- To log out of the DP/DashBoard, click the "EXIT" link in the blue bar on the bottom right of any page.
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View Online DP/DashBoard Demo