View Data Sheet (PDF file) View Event Triggering Scripts
Data Pro Accounting Software's DP/AUTO (Event Triggering System) is a powerful technology that extends a company's capabilities in many exciting new ways. This technology allows firms of all sizes and shapes to better manage their business from a more pro-active point of view.
Unlike a simple "macro" program, DP/AUTO has the capabilities to integrate seamlessly with all of the Data Pro Infinity POWER applications in a "smart" fashion once the utility has had the ability to analyze information and perform the steps you've directed it to take. It works in the background, on any timetable you establish, and therefore becomes one of the most reliable tools any firm can deploy.
DP/AUTO is built using Microsoft's .NET architecture and therefore requires that the .NET Framework be setup on any Windows PC that intends to utilize this advanced capability. Although this is a free utility from Microsoft that may be downloaded currently from their web site, Data Pro has also included the required "framework" software on our CD-ROM for customer convenience.
This technology is unique in that it allows management to become aggressive in seeking data from its accounting system instead of passively allowing the system to accumulate information that waits for someone to review the correct report(s) and take a pro-active action on behalf of the company. Consultants can work hand in hand with management to define the guidelines and rules by which the unique scripts should data mine the accounting system in search for the desired information and direct the output to the right individual or group of staff to take action.
As an owner on the road traveling, it might be convenient to receive your Balance Sheet and Income Statement nightly in your e-mail box so you always know where your company stands. Or, get the daily inventory trending reports. That is just the beginning!
We believe that once you learn how to engage this unique new utility, it will be part of your business operations for years to come! It will operate quietly in the background performing the specific tasks you define, every day, week or month just as you dictate. It never calls in sick and can handle dozens of tasks at a time. This could include the automatic calculation of your Aging Reports in Account Receivable or figuring out which customers just had open items that went into the past due column last night at midnight. Better yet, how about DP/AUTO sending your collections manager an e-mail with a complete list of those customers and the items that are past due so that they could be immediately called each day?
Intrigued? You should be. This is a utility that virtually every company should be using in their daily business operations. It is actually simple to install and configure. There are just two steps. The first step is to make sure you have the Microsoft .Net Framework software loaded on your computer. As stated earlier, we've made that easy by including this free download on our CD.
The second step is to load the DP/AUTO program and simply configure it to your Infinity POWER accounting software applications.
When you click on DP/AUTO, the application will load on your Task Bar icon as shown.
Nine "trigger" events are currently included at no charge so that you may get an idea of the kinds of things that may be done with this type of utility. However, they just represent the beginning of what is possible.
This powerful, multi-tasking application can run routines which are extremely valuable, ranging from quite simple to highly sophisticated tasks. DP/AUTO is being shipped with approximately nine event triggering scripts to allow users to see how the technology works and how it can positively impact their daily business life.
- The uses for this application can range from generating accounting reports (such as a Balance Sheet and Income Statement to a specific e-mail address every night at midnight for an owner) to recalculating the age of the company's Accounts Receivable data files each night which for some firms could take several hours.
- Other scripts include the sending of an e-mail to the collections clerk in the firm with a listing of all of the customers that become past due at midnight each day, including those open items that became past due, a summary of the customer's aging account, the customer contact, and their phone number so that they can easily be called for collection purposes.
- A script that notifies the business owner or Accounts Payable staff what cash disbursements will be required within the next few days is one of the default scripts included with the product.
- A script that manages and monitors inventory stocking levels and notifies key employees via e-mail when items need to be ordered on a timely basis is included.
- These are all standard features and there are literally thousands of more options that can be created and executed much like generating new custom reports with the Infinity POWER Report Writer module. Users, Dealers or Data Pro can create custom scripts that will run automatically in the background as a Windows Service that requires no interaction from the user once it is setup, installed and enabled. Customers will find DP/AUTO to be one of the most useful new applications ever installed on their system!
- The default scripts included with the product are Accounts Payable Aging Report, Accounts Payable Payables Report, Accounts Receivable Calculate Aging, Accounts Receivable Aging Report, Accounts Receivable Collections Report, General Ledger Balance Sheet, General Ledger Income Statement, Payroll Time Balance Accruals and Inventory Management Reorder Report.
For instance, the Payroll Personal Time Script is significant in many ways because DP/AUTO provides a level of flexibility for companies that would otherwise be impossible to deploy through the Payroll module itself. This script allows the setup and automatic accumulation of Payroll Personal Time hours, such as accrued Sick Time, Personal Days, Vacation Time, etc. based on the amount of time (i.e. Years of Service) an employee has worked. Once the script has been configured and the schedule defined, this utility will continue to be run in the background automatically over time. No additional intervention by Payroll staff or Management is required.
This script also allows users to define a minimum number of days of employment before an employee is eligible for various accruals (vesting). Once this initial period is achieved, users can then define the number of hours to accumulate each time the script is run for hourly and salary employees. The number of hours to accumulate is specified based on the employee's years of service for up to 25 years.
The run frequency of the script is defined by the user (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) Most importantly, this script may be copied and modified in dozens of ways so that there are actually several different scripts running at once. Payroll accrual methods vary widely from company to company. This utility allows firms the flexibility to customize each script to address each of their specific accrual needs on virtually any frequency they desire. Because DP/AUTO offers the capabilities of automatic background processing, firms can feel more secure that the process will work consistently on an on-going basis once management approves the rules unique to their specific business needs.
Every event that is set up with DP/AUTO may be configured in a wide variety of ways depending on the nature of the requirements for the task to be accomplished. A script could be run every night, once a week, every ten days, on Tuesday and Friday nights, nightly for six months only, the list goes on and on. This screen illustrates the editing screen which allows the user to configure the wide variety of time tables each task may be set to perform.
The "script details" section specifically tells the system what to do once the timetable has been defined. For instance, this script tells the system to automatically go out and calculate the Accounts Payable Vendor Aging Report on a predefined set of days and then e-mail it to the accounting clerk only with those items due for payment at those specific dates. Depending on the size of the company, this can be a real time saver!
Each script is a Microsoft Visual Basic script that is being executed by DP/AUTO. Any user with experience in writing Visual Basic scripts can utilize this system and work with management to generate new scripts for your system at any time, depending on what you want to accomplish. Using a script editor, you may simply go to any of the directories automatically created by this installation to see the kinds of commands and formatting used to create these special scripts.
The best way to run DP/AUTO on a daily basis is to set the program up as a Win32 Service. This way it is running quietly in the background all of the time without requiring intervention from any user. As a Windows Service, if the PC is rebooted for any reason, the system will automatically restart each time without any user intervention.
Since DP/AUTO is a scripting program, all administrators have to watch out for applications that would prevent your scripts from being run successfully. The main culprits would be virus scanning software applications like McAfee and Norton Anti-Virus software. As shown on this screen, there is actually a switch in their software programs whereby you can choose to monitor scripts or not. If this is turned on, it is very likely you will have problems with DP/AUTO. You must turn this capability off.
You must have the "advanced" versions of Infinity POWER to utilitize the DP/AUTO product. This means you must be running either System Administrator Part #100 or Part #695 for SQL to use this product. These versions include both the POWERServer module and Advanced Security. DP/AUTO requires the implementation of the "Advanced Security" system in the System Administrator module instead of the "Standard Security" system. The POWERServer module requires that the Advanced Security version be implemented to operate correctly. The Small Business Solution System Administrator (Part #692) is incompatible.
Because DP/AUTO can be crunching some significant calculations and data processing, it is highly recommended that it be configured on a server class PC only. This would include a Windows 2000 or 2003 Server.
View Data Sheet (PDF file)