Data Pro Accounting Software’s Infinity POWER products represent a special mix of advanced accounting software solutions designed to address a wide range of business needs in a highly integrated fashion. With over fifteen (15) application modules targeting specific industries such as Financial Accounting, Job Costing, Manufacturing, Wholesale Distribution, Point of Sale, Payroll, Inventory Management, Bank Reconciliation, Support Billing and more, users find that Infinity POWER is highly flexible in its implementation and design.
This flexibility comes from the built-in ability to add user-defined fields and indexes to all accounting modules as needed so that users can always incorporate all of the information needed to accommodate their business needs. Since the advanced Infinity COMMERCE web technologies are included with both Standard and Client/Server SQL versions of the System Administrator, all users are provided with the tools they need to integrate their accounting system for Internet and Intranet e-Commerce implementations immediately. By including DP/DashBoard, DP/STORE, DP/AUTO and DP/CHARGE to your arsenal, your company will have the components for a complete Intranet and E-Commerce presence.